
Madison & Co. Competition Team

Parent/Student Handbook



Competition Information

Read and keep for reference.


Mission Statement

"Madison & Co. Dance Studio's mission is to provide

professional dance instruction, while encouraging our dancers,

with their unique talents, to be their personal best."

-Madison Panek



Required Classes/Attendance


-Mini Company Training

-5-7 Year Tap Ballet Jazz




-Turns and Leaps

-Combo & Progressions




-Turns and Leaps 

-Combo & Progressions


Fitted dance wear and the appropriate shoes must be worn for all competitive classes.  Good attendance is essential.  Dancers and parents need to realize that missing a rehearsal not only affects you, but the entire group.  Dancers rehearse their spacing as well as choreography. It's not just your time and money it's others as well.  Please be aware that if our dancers are later for rehearsal, it affects the rest of the team.

Conflicts concerning class/rehearsal should be sent to Madison by email or phone call. Please do not go through another instructor. If a dancer misses more than 4 full night absences within the year , you will be required to schedule and pay for a private class with your instructor.  Illness conflicts and school events are considered excused. If your dancer is well enough to attend school, she/he should be able to participate in dance.  Optional competitions shouldn't conflict with required competition rehearsals.

All classes are closed for viewing by parents.  You will be notified when you will be able to watch/record routines. 


Competition Routines

Routines will be rehearsed at the same scheduled time each week.  You will be charged choreography fees of $85-125 per group routine done by our staff, that your dancer is in.  All choreography will be done strictly through the studio/guest choreographers. It is critical that our competitive dancers pick up choreography quickly and take corrections when given.  Extra practices may be required of them at home, as well as additional weekend practices.




Dancers will be committed to attend ALL scheduled competitions.  For our dancers that are ages 10 and under, a parent must be available to assist them in dressing room with costume changes, hair, and make-up.  Please plan on devoting your entire weekend to the competition, until we have the final schedule.  Your dancer may only dance one day but we do not receive the final schedule until a week prior to the competition.  The competition dates will be available by the end of September. The competition season typically lasts from the beginning of February to the middle of May. 


Conventions and Master Classes

Minis/Petites must attend the required in-house workshop. If our in-house workshop

doesn't work for you, we will list possible options as a make up convention.

If you are in a guest choreographer's piece, you are required to take their workshop classes while they're here.

Sportsmanship at Competitions

It's our expectation that you and your dancer are courteous and considerate to all dance teams.  We do not tolerate negative conversations about any dancer, studio, or result.  We believe in creating a positive learning environment for all.

Our dancers always respond with lots of applause.  Please clap for all dancers/studios.  All dancers will accept their awards with thanks.  Remember that many judges pay attention to how dancers present themselves onstage during each ceremony.  Make sure to extend compliments to other studio members at competitions. It feels great to receive a compliment, so make sure to give one back when you can.

No one at any time should approach a competition director or judge unless it's to express a thank you.  If you are concerned with any event or results, it should be presented to one of our faculty members.  Madison will address this as she sees fit. 

Team Representative for Awards

There will be one dancer appointed for each routine to accept the award at the awards.  Each competition will have a different representative.  Please return the group awards to the studio the week after the competition.  


Parental Support

Parents, please tell your children how proud you are of them, no matter what.  Studio staff and the judges are their critics.  You provide them with love and we provide the instruction.  Let us do our jobs and you do yours.  Our staff puts a lot of work and time into your kids' education and we ask that you respect our decisions.  Please be supportive of ALL of our studio routines.  We ask that our dancers/parents sit together as a team and cheer for all of the dancers.  Please make sure that all conversations at competition are positive.  We want our season to be enjoyable and one to remember!


Recital and Competition Rehearsals

We will have one pre-season showcase where we run through all of our competition routines in full costume, hair, and makeup. We typically hold this in January and minimal charges (if any) are incurred for the judges' compensation.  Our pre-season show and rehearsal are required as well as spring recital and recital dress rehearsals.


Waiting and Dressing Room Etiquette

We know that many of you spend many hours at the studio.  We want you to be comfortable and satisfied.  We ask that you treat the studio with respect, just as you would your own house.  Please clean up after yourselves.  We also ask that no food is taken into the studios unless given permission, and that water is the only drink consumed in the dance rooms.



Costumes will be chosen by the choreographer, or by the person cleaning the guest choreographer's piece.  When designing or choosing a costume we take the song and student's interest into consideration.  Parents/dancers are allowed to find or create costumes for their own solo, but it must be approved by Madison.  You can choose to rhinestone your own costumes or you have the option to pay an instructor to rhinestone it for you.

Costumes are to be kept neat, not wrinkled.  Make sure to check for all costume pieces before leaving home.  Please put your child's name on everything.  Having a dream duffle is a GREAT idea if you have several costumes.  Competitions don't usually provide hanging space, and this will help keep you organized.  Shoes and tights for each dance will be decided on when the costumes are chosen. Don't make any new purchases until you've heard from Madison.


Team Wear/Appearance

Company Apparel: Madison & Co. apparel will be required to participate on stage at the awards ceremonies.

Company T-shirt: We will be purchasing a competition shirt that is to be worn for any type of public appearance.

Hair: Middle part, Mid ponytail or bun.

Jewelry: Hoop Earrings (teen/senior), Dangle and Studs (mini/junior)

Make-up: TBA



We are in need of volunteers for many tasks.  Your help is always appreciated.  We ask that all parents volunteer at least once each year.  The list below is just some examples for you.



-Spirit Signs

 -Treat/Good luck bags

      -Props: Paint, Haul, Set & Strike

       -Fundraising ideas and planning

        -Help with Dress Rehearsals/Recital

        -Simple Sewing/Rhinestoning Costumes and Accessories




Fundraising is a great way to help with the cost of your dance fees.  Many of our projects are on an individual basis, so it's up to you.  All parents will be informed of what is available.  Any additional suggestions are appreciated.


Competition Fee Information

Our competitive team will be performing 4 regional competitions this year.  Our competition dates will be announced no later than October 1st.  Competition fees range from 150-185 per solo, 80-125 per duet/trio,

60-85 per group routine.

If your dancer would like to do an optional competition, please let the studio know 45 days before the competition date, so we can register your dances.  All fees for competitions are due at the time of registration.  Madison & Co. can't guarantee your teacher will be able to attend the optional competitions, but there will be a representative present. 



Routines choreographed with a prop will be charged for the prop.  The cost will be divided between the dancers in that routine. 



Solo, duet, and trio fees are to be paid in full in order to begin.  Accounts are to be current starting 8/1/2024.

   Choreography Fees

Solo $400
        Duet $500 (split between two dancers)

        Trio $600 (split between three dancers)

This price will cover choreography time only.  Once your routine is finished, we will start charging a monthly fee for cleaning if you meet to clean.  You are more than welcome to practice on your own if dance studio space is available.  We need to be courteous and share the space with everyone.  Please check with Madison to see when there is a room available.  No one is allowed to change anything about the audio equipment.


Scheduling a practice for solo/duet/trio

Parents are not allowed in the room during choreography or rehearsals, but will be allowed to watch or film at the end of the practice.


The Solo/Duet/Trios

What your responsibilities are to make sure you are ready for competitions

            -Make a commitment to yourself and/or partner, and your dance.

            -Be willing to practice at the studio and on your own at home.

            -Remember your choreography.  We lose valuable time if the teacher has to constantly re-teach the routine  

            -Trust your teachers on the choreography of your routines.  Perfecting your dance is done with repetition. 

            -Be willing to do your routine FULL OUT all the time to build strong stamina level and     

            PERFORM IT!

Remember this is a rewarding experience for both dancers and their families, but we know that it can be a huge financial and time commitment.  Competing is a way to build self-confidence, builds our dancers' technique, and allows your children to build long lasting friendships.  We are a TEAM, so we need to be supportive of everybody.  It is our expectation that you show good sportsmanship to all of our dance family members, and treat each person with respect.  The scores are only the opinion of the judges. If it were a different set of judges the results may be completely different.  We are always proud of all of our dancers no matter what trophy they hold in their hand.


By joining our competitive team, you are committed to the entire season.  If for any reason you decide to leave mid season, your account will be charged for the entire season.  This is unless it is due to medical reasons, injuries, or any other important situation discussed with Madison.  We expect all of our team members to be dedicated members of this team throughout the season.

Dancer's Signature: __________________________________________    

Parent/Guardian's Signature:_________________________________________